If you aren’t satisfied with your blog or website traffic then you don’t have much to complain about it. Just start guest posting today with us and other blogs and websites, and see your influence grow in months/weeks.
Yes, we are accepting Guest Posts but if you are a good guest poster and want a good friendship with me then we are also expecting a few things from you.
- Link our post URL to other blogs
- Promote your post URL on Twitter (several times)
- Share your post URL on Facebook (several times)
- Stick around and respond to comments on the post.
- Post your name and contact information after the post.
I do accept Guest posts, Submit your Guest Post, Press Release, and Articles for Free.
But we are not accepting all posts; we have some guest blogging guidelines. Read below.
1. Your content should be 100% unique and hand-written.
2. Need a minimum of one copyright-free image related to your post.
3. Minimum 300 words and 2 paragraphs required within the article.
4. Post should be informative; it should not appear as a marketing trick.
5. Your post should be in WordPad / MS word with proper headings and spelling checks
6. Your post format should be like below
Short Description (Two or Three lines): About your post, that is what you want to say.
Description: Description with proper information which provides all information related to topics with all answers. How, When, Which, etc.
Tags: A few SEO Keywords related to your topic.
Send it today to pradeep @pradeeptomar.com
We will inform you once your guest post will be live and don’t forget to promote it on your social channels.
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