what do Indians think about World Countries?

what do Indians think about World Countries? So I hope you came here to know that what indian think about or what do Indians think about World people

What do you think about India?  But today I will tell you What Indians think about the World? What do Indians think of China? understand why is India important to the world because I think the same as the below lyrics and the same thinking of Swami Vivekanand when they tell the world about Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

आप भारत के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं? लेकिन आज मैं आपको बताऊंगा कि भारतीय दुनिया के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं? भारतीय चीन के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं? समझें कि भारत दुनिया के लिए क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि मैं नीचे दिए गए गीतों के समान ही सोचता हूं और स्वामी विवेकानंद की वही सोच जब वे दुनिया को बसुधैव कुटुंबकम के बारे में बताते हैं।

भारत का रहने वाला हूँ,

भारत की बात सुनाता हूँ

जब जीरो दिया मेरे भारत ने

दुनिया को तब गिनती आयी

तारों की भाषा भारत ने

दुनिया को पहले सिखलायी

देता ना दशमल भारत तो

यूं चाँद पे जाना मुश्किल था

धरती और चाँद दूरी का

अंदाजा लगाना मुश्किल था


सभ्यता जहाँ पहले आयी

पहले जन्मी हैं जहापे कला

अपना भारत वो भारत है

जिस के पीछे संसार चला

संसार चला और आगे बढ़ा

यूं आगे बढ़ा

भगवान करे ये और बढे

बढता ही रहे और फूले फले


है प्रीत जहाँ की रीत सदा

मैं गीत वहां के गाता हूँ

भारत का रहने वाला हूँ

भारत की बात सुनाता हूँ


काले गोरे का भेद नहीं

हर दिल से हमारा नाता है

कुछ और ना आता हो हम को

हमें प्यार निभाना आता है

जिसे मान चुकी सारी दुनिया

मैं बात वोही दोहराता हूँ

भारत का रहने वाला हूँ

भारत की बात सुनाता हूँ


जीते हो किसी ने देश तो क्या

हम ने तो दिलों को जीता है

जहाँ राम अभी तक हैं नर में

नारी में अभी तक सीता है

कितने पावन हैं लोग जहा

मैं नित नित शीश झुकाता हूँ

भारत का रहने वाला हूँ

भारत की बात सुनाता हूँ


इतनी ममता नदियों को भी

जहाँ माता कह के बुलाते है

इतना आदर इंसान तो क्या

पत्थर भी पूजे जाते है

उस धरती पे मैंने जनम लिया

यह सोच के मैं इतराता हूँ

भारत का रहने वाला हूँ

 भारत की बात सुनाता हूँ.

I am a resident of India

tell about India


When my India gave zero

the world counted then

India the language of the stars

taught the world first

India would have given it a decimal

it was difficult to go to the moon like this

earth and moon distance

hard to guess


where civilization came first

firstborn where art

our India is that India

behind which the world went

the world goes on and on

just move on

God bless it

keep on growing and flourishing


love is the place where the custom is always

I sing songs from there

I am from India

tell about India


no difference between black and white

we belong to every heart

we don't know anything else

we know how to love

accepted by the whole world

I repeat

I am from India

tell about India


If someone has won the country then what?

we have won hearts

Where Ram is still in the male

there is still sita in the woman

how holy are the people where

I keep bowing my head

I am from India

tell about India


so much affection even for the rivers

where mother calls

so much respect man

Even stones are worshiped

I was born on that land

I cringe at the thought

I am from India

  Let me tell you about India.

what do Indians think about World Countries? So I hope you came here to know that what indian think about or what do Indians think about World people

this thought is not for selected countries or peoples but the whole earth is one family. So I hope you came here to know that -

what indian think about Afghanistan? 

what indian think about Albania? 

what indian think about Algeria? 

what indian think about Andorra? 

what indian think about Angola? 

what indian think about Antigua and Barbuda? 

what indian think about Argentina? 

what indian think about Armenia? 

what indian think about Australia? 

what indian think about Austria? 

what indian think about Azerbaijan? 

what indian think about Bahamas? 

what indian think about Bahrain? 

what indian think about Bangladesh? 

what indian think about Barbados? 

what indian think about Belarus? 

what indian think about Belgium? 

what indian think about Belize? 

what indian think about Benin? 

what indian think about Bhutan? 

what indian think about Bolivia? 

what indian think about Bosnia and Herzegovina? 

what indian think about Botswana? 

what indian think about Brazil? 

what indian think about Brunei? 

what indian think about Bulgaria? 

what indian think about Burkina Faso? 

what indian think about Burundi? 

what indian think about Côte d'Ivoire? 

what indian think about Cabo Verde? 

what indian think about Cambodia? 

what indian think about Cameroon? 

what indian think about Canada? 

what indian think about Central African Republic? 

what indian think about Chad? 

what indian think about Chile? 

what indian think about China? 

what indian think about Colombia? 

what indian think about Comoros? 

what indian think about Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)? 

what indian think about Costa Rica? 

what indian think about Croatia? 

what indian think about Cuba? 

what indian think about Cyprus? 

what indian think about Czechia (Czech Republic)? 

what indian think about Democratic Republic of the Congo? 

what indian think about Denmark? 

what indian think about Djibouti? 

what indian think about Dominica? 

what indian think about Dominican Republic? 

what indian think about Ecuador? 

what indian think about Egypt? 

what indian think about El Salvador? 

what indian think about Equatorial Guinea? 

what indian think about Eritrea? 

what indian think about Estonia? 

what indian think about Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland")? 

what indian think about Ethiopia? 

what indian think about Fiji? 

what indian think about Finland? 

what indian think about France? 

what indian think about Gabon? 

what indian think about Gambia? 

what indian think about Georgia? 

what indian think about Germany? 

what indian think about Ghana? 

what indian think about Greece? 

what indian think about Grenada? 

what indian think about Guatemala? 

what indian think about Guinea? 

what indian think about Guinea-Bissau? 

what indian think about Guyana? 

what indian think about Haiti? 

what indian think about Holy See? 

what indian think about Honduras? 

what indian think about Hungary? 

what indian think about Iceland? 

what indian think about India? 

what indian think about Indonesia? 

what indian think about Iran? 

what indian think about Iraq? 

what indian think about Ireland? 

what indian think about Israel? 

what indian think about Italy? 

what indian think about Jamaica? 

what indian think about Japan? 

what indian think about Jordan? 

what indian think about Kazakhstan? 

what indian think about Kenya? 

what indian think about Kiribati? 

what indian think about Kuwait? 

what indian think about Kyrgyzstan? 

what indian think about Laos? 

what indian think about Latvia? 

what indian think about Lebanon? 

what indian think about Lesotho? 

what indian think about Liberia? 

what indian think about Libya? 

what indian think about Liechtenstein? 

what indian think about Lithuania? 

what indian think about Luxembourg? 

what indian think about Madagascar? 

what indian think about Malawi? 

what indian think about Malaysia? 

what indian think about Maldives? 

what indian think about Mali? 

what indian think about Malta? 

what indian think about Marshall Islands? 

what indian think about Mauritania? 

what indian think about Mauritius? 

what indian think about Mexico? 

what indian think about Micronesia? 

what indian think about Moldova? 

what indian think about Monaco? 

what indian think about Mongolia? 

what indian think about Montenegro? 

what indian think about Morocco? 

what indian think about Mozambique? 

what indian think about Myanmar (formerly Burma)? 

what indian think about Namibia? 

what indian think about Nauru? 

what indian think about Nepal? 

what indian think about Netherlands? 

what indian think about New Zealand? 

what indian think about Nicaragua? 

what indian think about Niger? 

what indian think about Nigeria? 

what indian think about North Korea? 

what indian think about North Macedonia? 

what indian think about Norway? 

what indian think about Oman? 

what indian think about Pakistan? 

what indian think about Palau? 

what indian think about Palestine State? 

what indian think about Panama? 

what indian think about Papua New Guinea? 

what indian think about Paraguay? 

what indian think about Peru? 

what indian think about Philippines? 

what indian think about Poland? 

what indian think about Portugal? 

what indian think about Qatar? 

what indian think about Romania? 

what indian think about Russia? 

what indian think about Rwanda? 

what indian think about Saint Kitts and Nevis? 

what indian think about Saint Lucia? 

what indian think about Saint Vincent and the Grenadines? 

what indian think about Samoa? 

what indian think about San Marino? 

what indian think about Sao Tome and Principe? 

what indian think about Saudi Arabia? 

what indian think about Senegal? 

what indian think about Serbia? 

what indian think about Seychelles? 

what indian think about Sierra Leone? 

what indian think about Singapore? 

what indian think about Slovakia? 

what indian think about Slovenia? 

what indian think about Solomon Islands? 

what indian think about Somalia? 

what indian think about South Africa? 

what indian think about South Korea? 

what indian think about South Sudan? 

what indian think about Spain? 

what indian think about Sri Lanka? 

what indian think about Sudan? 

what indian think about Suriname? 

what indian think about Sweden? 

what indian think about Switzerland? 

what indian think about Syria? 

what indian think about Tajikistan? 

what indian think about Tanzania? 

what indian think about Thailand? 

what indian think about Timor-Leste? 

what indian think about Togo? 

what indian think about Tonga? 

what indian think about Trinidad and Tobago? 

what indian think about Tunisia? 

what indian think about Turkey? 

what indian think about Turkmenistan? 

what indian think about Tuvalu? 

what indian think about Uganda? 

what indian think about Ukraine? 

what indian think about the United Arab Emirates? 

what Indian think about the United Kingdom? 

what Indian think about the United States of America? 

what Indian think about Uruguay? 

what indian think about Uzbekistan? 

what Indian think about Vanuatu? 

what indian think about Venezuela? 

what do Indians think about Vietnam? 

what do Indians think about Yemen? 

what do Indians think about Zambia? 

what do Indians think about Zimbabwe? 

Then the Above lyrics are my answer.

One World, One Family, and One Future.
World is one family.

Image Courtesy: My Loving Government of Bharat (India).

Lyrics Courtesy: Purab Aur Paschim - East and West



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What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT: what do Indians think about World Countries?
what do Indians think about World Countries?
what do Indians think about World Countries? So I hope you came here to know that what indian think about or what do Indians think about World people
What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT
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