Alert - If a Plastic Bottle Stuck in Your Car's Wheel

Solved this Alert / Warning - place a bottle on your tire if you're traveling alone or always put a plastic bottle on your tires when parked.

 Recently, one such ad or blog post is being seen on many websites. In which a water bottle was seen stuck in the tire of a car. Along with this, it was also warned that after parking the car, always put plastic bottle on tire when parked. Some websites claimed that place a bottle on your tire if you're traveling alone, and Some websites claimed as a police alert: if you find a plastic bottle in your car tire, you may be in danger.

Solved this Alert  / Warning - place a bottle on your tire if you're traveling alone or always put a plastic bottle on your tires when parked.

Different arguments are being given on different websites. Some blog websites are making long wide slides on this topic. Here I will tell you directly about it. Because every website has its own logic or answer. By telling all the answers here, I end this KBC i.e. Kaun Banega Crorepati game. Because people keep clicking further to know what would happen if the bottle gets stuck or gets stuck in the tire or why put a plastic bottle on your tires when parked?

So these questions are -

What if the bottle gets stuck in the tire?

Thieves were caught while carrying out the theft incident by trapping a water bottle in the tire of the vehicle. In this, as soon as the driver starts the car, there is a sound of breaking the bottle. When he gets out of the car to check the tires, the thief drives away with his car. So if you find a water bottle on your car, just remove it.

Why should a water bottle be stuck in a car tyre?

The logic here is that if you put a plastic bottle on lug nuts in your car or a glass bottle under the tire then when the thief steals the car, the car will make a loud noise. By this, you will know that the car is being stolen. And you will call the police and catch the thief.

I understand that -

So overall I understood that if the soda can is under the car tire or the bottle is trapped by someone else then it can be a trap for you. If you have trapped the bottle, it can be a trap to catch the thief.

 Different websites are looting the limelight by telling this thing in different ways.



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What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT: Alert - If a Plastic Bottle Stuck in Your Car's Wheel
Alert - If a Plastic Bottle Stuck in Your Car's Wheel
Solved this Alert / Warning - place a bottle on your tire if you're traveling alone or always put a plastic bottle on your tires when parked.
What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT
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