India bans 59 suspicious Chinese apps TikTok, WeChat

India bans 59 suspicious Chinese apps including TikTok, WeChat - Know Reaction, Opinion and Review on it.

As you know, India has banned 59 Chinese mobile applications. After this, there was a flood of reactions of people on Twitter. First of all, you should know why the Indian government did this?

The Government of India says that in the words of Shri Ravi Shankar -
The government has banned 59 mobile apps for the safety, security, defense, sovereignty, and integrity of India and to protect the data and privacy of the people of India.

Is this an attack on the freedom of expression of the people?

After this move of the government, there may be some anger against it in the name of freedom of expression. But can you trust your enemy country? even in a war-like situation. Because these applications did not only steal the personal information of the people, but they also had permission to read the history of your mobile camera, mic, and phone call.
That is, no Indian will ever want to share his personal information with an enemy country. Nobody would want to hear someone talk about him, see something else with his camera.

The demand for banning these applications was arising for a long time, even then the biggest reason was the misuse of personal information of the people. But still today we are still living in a time like a war.

59 Chinese apps, 59 apps, Chinese apps a app ban,

Which Chinese mobile applications have been banned by the Government of India?

The Indian government has banned these apps -
  1. TikTok
  2. Shareit
  3. Kwai
  4. Uc browser
  5. Baidu map
  6. Shein
  7. Clash of kings
  8. DU battery saver
  9. Helo
  10. Likee
  11. YouCam makeup
  12. Mi community
  13. CM Brower
  14. Virus Cleaner
  15. APUS Browser
  16. ROMWE
  17. Club factory
  18. Newsdog
  19. Beutry plus
  20. WeChat
  21. Uc news
  22. QQ Mail
  23. Weibo
  24. Xender
  25. QQ Music
  26. QQ Newsfeed
  27. Bigo Live
  28. SelfieCity
  29. Mail Master
  30. Parallel Space
  31. Mi Video Call - Xiaomi
  32. Wesync
  33. ES File Explorer
  34. Viva Video - QU Video Inc
  35. Meitu
  36. Vigo Video
  37. New Video Status
  38. Du record
  39. Vault-hide
  40. Cache Cleaner DU App studio
  41. DU Cleaner
  42. Du browser
  43. Hago Play With New Friends
  44. Cam scanner
  45. Clean Master - Cheetah Mobile
  46. Wonder Camera
  47. Photo wonder
  48. QQ Player
  49. We meet
  50. Sweet selfie
  51. Baidu Translate
  52. Vmate
  53. QQ International
  54. QQ Security Center
  55. QQ Launcher
  56. U Video
  57. V fly Status Video
  58. Mobile Legends
  59. DU Privacy

Do you know, why YouTube is banned in China?, Google is also banned. Because China does not want the people of its country to watch propaganda videos of waste. Time is lost by watching them, at the same time when you continuously watch videos of the same ideology, you become mentally fanatic, you feel that you have seen the truth through the video. You are right, and you hold on to your thoughts, even if you argue with someone and spoil the relationship.

In the same way, these Chinese mobile applications play with your brain. What is in their hands to make them trend? Recently, a video of the army of Balochistan torturing the people, telling them of India, was trending. The Indians who would have seen this about their army would have been mentally angry with their army without knowing the truth.

So did the war begin?

Of course, you can understand that. Because the war is not between two armies but today the people of the country, technology, and economy have started to be fought by breaking even.
  1. Ban the business of a country, or increase the tax. Just as America did with China. And now India has done it.
  2. Exporting terrorists to a country like Pakistan has been doing in India for years.
  3. To slowly occupy someone's land as China has been doing. China has gradually acquired the land of India, Tibet, Nepal, Pakistan. Today the area visible on the map is actually filled with encroachment.
  4. Stealing personal information of people and misusing it is also part of the war. When your enemy is with your information, he will try to brainwash you by using technology, so that you are anti-government and against your own government. This makes the country weak.

According to me, the government fights the war on its own, but the people of the country should forget politics and unite at such a time. Because the strength of a nation depends on its unity. No matter how powerful a neighbor is, but when we are one, we can also do it with a lot. At the same time, the chances of winning are greater.

What is my opinion?

If I talk about my idea, then the common man of India stands firmly with his government and welcomes his move.

It has been said in our great Sanatan Hindu scriptures that the defense of the country is more than protecting the family. In the same sequence, our kings and princes ended their families and dynasties, if they wanted, they could live a life with the British, in a treaty with the Mughals. Some people also made treaties, which later became fatal for their country, state, and family.

Therefore, the government has done its work, now it is the duty of the citizens of the country to sacrifice foreign goods for their country. And make the same item in India itself.

India is the most populated country, how we can live long on imported goods, you should definitely keep this in mind for your country and the interests of the coming generations. 


I am waiting for your suggestion / feedbacks, will reply you within 24-48 hours. :-)

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What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT: India bans 59 suspicious Chinese apps TikTok, WeChat
India bans 59 suspicious Chinese apps TikTok, WeChat
India bans 59 suspicious Chinese apps including TikTok, WeChat - Know Reaction, Opinion and Review on it.
What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT
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