is it safe to give aadhaar number to anyone for Verification?

5 things everyone must know about Aadhaar verification

Nowadays every Indian owns Aadhar Card so for you it is very important to know about 5 things related to Aadhaar verification. By doing this, you can secure your aadhar data.

Verification of your mobile and email with the Aadhar is important. If you have not done so soon, do it as soon as possible so that you do not have any problems. Let us know, according to UIDAI, there was also a question of Verification in many major questions about the foundation recently. That's why we are giving you this information today.

(1) Aadhaar Number Verification

This service will enable Aadhaar cardholders and service providers to know that the Aadhar is linked with a valid mobile number and mobile and aadhar, not in an inactive condition.

(2) You must verify or link E-mail / Mobile Number with aadhar

The registered mobile number of Aadhaar number holder is essential for online services and support related benefits. Residents can verify their mobile number and e-mail address already registered. It is very important when you want to update your personal information like address, DOB and other information.

(3) You should Lock/unlock bio-metrics

Aadhaar number holders can secure their biometrics authentication through biometric lock. Once locked biometrics can not be used for authentication by anyone else. Residents can unlock their biometrics before performing any of their biometrics authentication activities.

(4) Verify linked Aadhar number with Bank:

Whether connected with an Aadhar card or bank account, such as check-Aadhard number holders can secure their biometric authentication. Aadhaar cardholders can check whether their Aadhaar card is linked to their bank account. The Aadhar link status is displayed by the NPCI server. UIDAI will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy of the situation displayed in any situation. Additionally, UIDAI does not store any information made available from the NPCI server.

(5) Verify Aadhar certification history

Aadhaar number holders can see the details of the Aadhar certification they have made on Aadhar website
5 things everyone must know about Aadhaar verification

How to verify Aadhar Card details?:

(1) First of all you go to the website of UIDAI. After this click on Verify Adhar Number.
(2) After this you have to enter the Aadhar number with the number 12.
(3) Thereafter, the security code must be inserted there.
(4) After doing both of these work you will have to click on the verify link.
(5) After this you will find that your Aadhar number is valid or not.

How To Mobile Number Verify?:

(1) First visit the UIDAI website at
(2) Then click Verify Email / Mobile Number.
(3) Then enter the Aadhaar number and mobile number and then enter the security code.
(4) Then click Get One Time Password.
(5) You will receive an SMS on the phone, in which the Aadhar mobile verification code will be.
(6) After this, add the One Time Password to OTP and click Verify OTP.
(7) After doing so, you will be able to see the message of mobile number verification succeeded on your computer screen.

How To Verify Email Addresses?:

(1) First visit the UIDAI website at
(2) In order to validate the email address, we also have to go to the link of Verify Email / Mobile Number.
(3) Then add your Aadhar number, email address, and security code.
(4) Then click Get One Time Password.
(5) You will receive an SMS on the phone, in which the Aadhar mobile verification code will be.
(6) This message will also come to your email address.
(7) After that, add the one-time password to OTP and click Verify OTP. After doing so, you will be able to see the message of successful mobile number verification on your computer screen.

Important questions on Aadhaar and its misuse, answered by the UIDAI 

1) UIDAI has all my data including biometrics, bank account, PAN, etc. Will they be used to track my activities? 

Absolutely false. UIDAI database has only the following information - 
(a) Your name, address, DOB, gender, date of birth 
(b) Ten fingerprints, two IRIS scans, facial photograph 
(c) Mobile number and email ID. 

2) But when I link my bank accounts, shares, mutual funds and my mobile phones with Aadhaar, will UIDAI not get this information? 

Absolutely No. When you give the Aadhaar number to your banks, mutual fund companies, mobile phone companies, they only send the Aadhaar number, your biometrics (given at the time of authentication), and your name, etc to UIDAI for verification for your identity. They do not send your bank account or its details to UIDAI. 

3) If someone gets to know my Aadhaar number, they can use it to hack my bank account. 

Absolutely false. Just like by merely knowing your ATM card number, no one can withdraw money from the ATM machine. For any transaction, it required PIN/OTP.

4) Why am I being asked to link all my bank accounts with Aadhaar? 

For your own security, it is necessary to verify the identity of all bank account holders and link them with Aadhaar to weed out the accounts being operated by fraudsters, money-launderers, criminals etc 

5) Why am I being asked to verify and link my mobile numbers with Aadhaar? 

For your own security and security of our country, it has been found that most criminals and terrorists get SIM cards issued in the name of fictitious and even real people without their knowledge and use them for committing frauds and crime. 

6) Can the mobile company store my biometrics taken at the time of SIM verification and use it for other purposes later? 

No one, including, mobile phone companies can store or use your biometrics taken at the time of Aadhaar verification and linking. It is strictly prohibited any requesting entity which includes mobile phone companies, banks, etc from storing, sharing, or publishing the finger-prints for any reason whatsoever and neither shall it retain any copy of such fingerprints. Any violation of this provision is a punishable offense under the Aadhaar Act 2016. 

7) Do NRIs need Aadhaar for banking, mobile, PAN, and other services?

Aadhaar is only for residents of India. NRIs are not eligible to get Aadhaar. 

8) Some agencies are not accepting eAadhaar. They insist on the original Aadhaar. Why? 

eAadhaar (downloaded Aadhaar) from the UIDAI website is as legally valid as the original Aadhaar issued by UIDAI.



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What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT: is it safe to give aadhaar number to anyone for Verification?
is it safe to give aadhaar number to anyone for Verification?
5 things everyone must know about Aadhaar verification
What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT
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