Best DTH LNB for Satellite TV Signal Problem in Rainy Seasons

Know why does all the All DTH services loose its signal when it starts raining heavily? know its solution.

Are you using the DTH system to watch TV Channels, If yes then You also may have problems in rainy seasons? At this time in India 40% of peoples using the DTH system in their homes. But all the dish network signal loss during rain. Read this post to get a solution.

" According to Mr. Sandeep who is living in Gwalior said, " I have DD Freedish system and in the rainy season I am unable to get signals or unable to watch channels, is there any solution for this problem".

Now we will tell you, yes we have a solution for this. you should use good LNB at your DTH. LNB means low noise block filter which converts magnet frequency to analog frequency for use in Set-top Box. But in the rainy season, these LNB get very low signals due to clouds.

At this time in the Indian market, everybody using 0.03dB LNB or 0.05dB LNB which is not good for the rainy season, so you should purchase very low noise LNB. i.e 0.01 LNB which now available online stores and dealers.

The Solid company launched this LNB and according to the company they are getting very good feedback by using this LNB. so Now you can use this LNB camera with your existing DTH system i.e Dish TV, D2H, Airtel Digital TV, Sun Direct DTH, Free to Air DD Direct Plus,  and TATA Sky.

Know why does all the All DTH services loose its signal when it starts raining heavily? know its solution.

This LNB now available on Solid Website

Ku-Band Super High Gain LNB

Super LNB coming soon on Amazon

You can also find this LNB on Solid's website, Ku band HD LNB Low Noise 0.01.


  1. Are you sure about this?? If it's working thn why the dth companies are not using this??

  2. I expect DTH in C-Band. Here the advantage is, it wont affected by rain. It can be achieved through 6 feet dish antenna

  3. Replies
    1. Ku band requires tiny antenna whereas c band requires big ass antennas

  4. Definitely..... without software optimisation it cannot be possible..... And it is not a viable solution.....

  5. I am using videocon d2h & the same problem is there. How to get rid of it ?

  6. Dth problem having in no rainy seassion then what I am doing.

  7. How to set my dth antena without any spend money to service provider

    1. Get any satellite found meter and and search the signal.when proper signal is showing you on your meter then you disconnect the cable from meter and cabl1 connect to L N B,now your signal is properly working.thnx.9988174897,,, from punjab india

  8. Just increase size of DTH Antenna or use branded LNB.

  9. Hi I'm Shaik abdullah from chennai and I'm DTH technician anybody chennai people face problems in any DTH contact me.Im service provider & contact me only chennai people

  10. Hai Friends i have Reliance Digital Tv I never face such kind of problem. Reliance Digital Tv LNB is best for Rainfall Time when compare to other DTH operator.

  11. It's not easy to solve the problem because it does not depend only on the receiver(dish-lnb) but the supplier as well (satellites). So,the main reason is the obstruction between the supplier and the receiver i.e, the thickness of clouds. We can only help this by strengthen the signal during the clear weather as possible as we can.

  12. mere dth ke signal 10 se aage nahi bad rahe hai

  13. Dth ki quality signal 2 or 5 se oper ni ja rehe, wat is the posdible reason? Although strength 70 hai

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What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT: Best DTH LNB for Satellite TV Signal Problem in Rainy Seasons
Best DTH LNB for Satellite TV Signal Problem in Rainy Seasons
Know why does all the All DTH services loose its signal when it starts raining heavily? know its solution.
What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT
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